CFC Certified Coating Consultants

coating consulting

We offer customizable services for all third party contractual requirements including consultation, inspection, quality assurance (QA), quality control (QC), failure analysis, destructive & non destructive testing, documentation, contractor auditing, verification, site lead inspector, supervision, safety administration,

safety consulting, safety contractor auditing etc.

Amazing clients have allowed us to produce work we are proud of.

Featured Project

Enbridge Tank 79 Mural Restoration

The Charles Munger Award for outstanding achievement in industrial or commercial coatings work that demonstrates innovation, durability or utility.

Enbridge Tank Regina Saskatchewan

Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Owner: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Contractor: Commercial Sand Blasting and Painting
Coating Material Supplier: Benjamin Moore
Project Sponsor: Enbridge
Coating Inspectors: Chad Foulston and Mike Jones
Lead Artist: Grant McLaughlin
Awarded For: The floating roof and shell painting.

Who we’ve worked with.

Enbridge Projects
Jacobs Engineering Projects
SaskPower Projects

We’d love to work with you too.